Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

Paul Shepherd
Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Welcome to Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Student Affairs and Enrollment Management staff provides leadership, advocacy, and support for professionals working in all areas of student affairs at Minnesota State colleges and universities. Student Affairs staff lead a variety of initiatives designed to foster student success including policy development and review, financial aid, student learning and development, adult learning services, and veteran and service members resources.
Academic advisors at Minnesota State colleges and universities serve as important guides for students through the academic experience. Navigating the variety of degree offerings and educational options for students is a central part of the role academic advisors play to help students find the path that is right for them. The structure and delivery of academic advising vary based
Are you an academic advisor at a Minnesota State college or university?
Connect with colleagues and receive information about professional development opportunities by signing up for the academic advising listserv. Contact Cindy Schaekel-Byholm to be added to the listserv.
All Minnesota State colleges and universities provide resources to ensure equal access to all aspects of the educational experience both inside and outside the classroom. Accessibility resources, sometimes also known as disability student services, work with students and faculty to define and attain reasonable accommodations that make classroom content and/or out of class experiences accessible to students with disabilities. Accessibility resources staff are well versed in the relevant law defining the responsibilities of college and universities related to accessibility and provide individualized support to students with disabilities to foster student learning and success.
Are you an accessibility resources staff member at a Minnesota State college or university?
Connect with colleagues and receive information about professional development opportunities by signing up for the accessibility resources listserv. Contact Cindy Schaekel-Byholm to be added to the listserv.
Exploring potential career options is an important part of the higher education experience. Minnesota State colleges and universities offer a variety of resources for students to discover career paths that align with their program of study. Career services professionals are available on Minnesota State college and university campuses to assist students in defining a career path and preparing students for a successful career search. Students receive help developing application materials, expert advice in navigating job interviews, and relevant information about the job market in different fields of study.
Are you a career services professional at a Minnesota State college or university?
Connect with colleagues and receive information about professional development opportunities by signing up for the career services listserv. Contact Cindy Schaekel-Byholm to be added to the listserv.
Pathway to 18
Due to clarifications for minimum faculty qualifications from our state’s regional accrediting body, the Higher Learning Commission, many concurrent enrollment teachers may need to enroll in graduate-level coursework in their discipline.
All seven Minnesota State universities offer graduate programs and courses needed to meet HLC concurrent enrollment guidelines. Learn more about Pathway to 18.
What is Concurrent Enrollment?
Concurrent enrollment is a program that provides opportunities for students to earn dual credit by taking college courses on their high school campus taught by qualified and mentored high school teachers. Under concurrent enrollment models, colleges and universities enter into contractual agreements with school districts to offer this opportunity in their high schools.
Minnesota State is committed to supporting high quality, sustainable concurrent enrollment opportunities for all Minnesota students, as it makes a college education more accessible, more affordable, and decreases time to degree completion.
Currently, 30 of our 33 colleges and universities have concurrent enrollment programs in place. The colleges and universities of Minnesota State currently provide over 80% of all concurrent enrollment credits offered across the state of Minnesota.
Not only do concurrent enrollment programs strengthen the partnership between secondary and postsecondary
Research on concurrent enrollment programs
Within Minnesota State:
- Three-fourths of concurrent enrollment students enroll in postsecondary institutions within two years after high school.
- In addition, concurrent enrollment students who have enrolled at our colleges and universities after high school have substantially higher persistence rates and completion rates than students who did not take concurrent enrollment courses.
National Accreditation
- The National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) is the sole accrediting body for concurrent enrollment programs. By 2020-2021 all concurrent enrollment programs in Minnesota will be accredited by NACEP. As of 2017, one-third of our concurrent enrollment programs have achieved accreditation.
Minnesota State Concurrent Enrollment Providers
- Alexandria Technical and Community College
- Anoka-Ramsey Community College
- Bemidji State University
- Central Lakes College*
- Century College
- Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College
- Inver Hills Community College
- Lake Superior College
- Minneapolis College
- Minnesota North College
- Minnesota State Community and Technical College*
- Minnesota State College-Southeast*
- Minnesota State University- Mankato*
- Minnesota West Community and Technical College*
- Normandale Community College
- North Hennepin Community College
- Northland Community and Technical College*
- Northwest Technical College
- Ridgewater College*
- Riverland Community College*
- Rochester Community and Technical College
- Saint Paul College
- Southwest Minnesota State University*
- South Central College
- St. Cloud State University*
- St. Cloud Technical and Community College
*Accredited by the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP)
Counseling is a critical service provided to students in some form at each Minnesota State college and university. Counselors are available to discuss a variety of concerns students may have
Kate Noelke, MPH, MCHES
Director of Student Mental Health and Wellness
Are you a Counselor at a Minnesota State college or university?
Connect with colleagues and receive information about professional development opportunities by signing up for the counseling listserv. Contact Cindy Schaekel-Byholm to be added to the listserv.
Minnesota State recognizes students have a wealth of skills and knowledge gained through life, work, and community-based experiences. That’s why our colleges and universities offer opportunities to earn academic credit for the knowledge they already possess. Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) is academic credit awarded to students who successfully demonstrate college or university-level learning achieved through informal or formal learning outside of the classroom. Students may have learning evaluated for academic credit, saving them time and money towards earning degrees. CPL also increases enrollment and student retention.
Students can learn more at
Faculty and Staff Resources
- Board of Trustees Policy 3.35 Credit for Prior Learning
- CPL Essentials newsletter – a newsletter published every two months focusing on CPL.
- CPL Community on ASA Connect – a professional development tool.
- Join CPL Community Chat to communicate in real-time with colleagues.
- Credit for Prior Learning Assessment Network – C-PLAN is a network of Minnesota State faculty and staff that supports and serves the 26 colleges and 7 universities at Minnesota State to implement, sustain, continually improve, and innovate credit for prior learning policy and practice.
In Development
My Credit for Prior Learning at Minnesota State (MyCPL), a new online CPL student success technology that is being rolled out in phases.
The student affairs division of the Minnesota State system office provides technical assistance on best practices, policy and legal compliance for financial aid.
This includes serving as a liaison between the campus financial aid offices, the campus services unit which is charged with developing financial aid processing systems, and outside vendors of software products in order to ensure that the financial aid offices have the necessary systems in place to process financial aid applications and made awards in a timely fashion.
The office also serves as an intermediary between the campus offices and state and federal agencies, helping to break down bureaucratic obstacles for campus administrators.
This area is involved in the development of Minnesota State's financial aid agenda prior to each legislative session and then provides information and advocacy for this agenda during the session.
- Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
- Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP)
- Minnesota Office of Higher Education (MOHE)
User Friendly Student and Family Financial Aid Guide
Christopher Halling
System Director for Financial Aid
International student services advisors are critical resources assisting international students
Paul Shepherd
Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Are you an international student services advisor at a Minnesota State college or university?
Connect with colleagues and receive information about professional development opportunities by signing up for the international student services listserv. Contact Cindy Schaekel-Byholm to be added to the listserv.
Welcoming new students to campus and providing information students need is an essential part of helping students make a successful transition into higher education. Orientation professionals at Minnesota State colleges and universities implement experiences designed to ensure students experience a successful start to their college or university experience and know where to seek out information and resources that will support their success throughout their academic career. Orientation programs at Minnesota State colleges and universities vary by campus but often include course registration, advising, and welcome activities.
Paul Shepherd
Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Are you an orientation professional at a Minnesota State college or university?
Connect with colleagues and receive information about professional development opportunities by signing up for the orientation listserv. Contact Cindy Schaekel-Byholm to be added to the listserv.
Minnesota State Registrars work to implement successful course registration, transcript, and academic record keeping processes. Registrars are deeply involved in process improvement efforts and policy related discussions to develop best practices and ensure compliance with Minnesota State Board Policy 5.12: Tuition and Fee Due Dates, Refunds, Withdrawals, and Waivers and a variety of state and federal laws.
Christopher Halling
System Director for Financial Aid
Are you a Registrar at a Minnesota State college or university?
Connect with colleagues and receive information about professional development opportunities by signing up for the registrars' listserv. Contact Cindy Schaekel-Byholm to be added to the listserv.
Senior Student Affairs Officers (SSAOs) are senior-level administrators charged with leading Student Affairs functions at each college and university within the Minnesota State system. Specific functional areas within divisions of student affairs vary by college and university; however, all SSAOs provide leadership in areas that foster student success, equity
Paul Shepherd
Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Are you a Senior Student Affairs Officer at a Minnesota State college or university?
Connect with colleagues and receive information about professional development opportunities by signing up for the Senior Student Affairs Officer's listserv. Contact Cindy Schaekel-Byholm to be added to the listserv.
Paul Shepherd
Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Shawn Anderson
Interim System Director for Student Development and Success
Christopher Halling
System Director for Financial Aid
Gary Hunter
System Director for Policy, Procedure, and Intellectual Property
Kate Noelke
Director for Student Mental Health and Wellness
Ali Pickens-Opoku
System Director for Strategic Enrollment Management
Gina Sobania
Director of Military, Veteran, and Adult Learner Services
Cindy Schaekel-Byholm
Administrative Assistant
Student Conduct
Student conduct administrators at all Minnesota State college and universities work to maintain a safe and supportive community that fosters student learning and development. Each Minnesota State college and university administers a student code of conduct consistent with Minnesota State Board of Trustee policy 3.6: Student Conduct. The student code of conduct is designed to ensure due process for students who violate the code of conduct and outline the expectations and responsibilities all students have to maintain an educationally purposeful environment. The student code of conduct at each Minnesota State college and university can be found by navigating to the specific college or university website.
Paul Shepherd
Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Are you a student conduct administrator at a Minnesota State college or university?
Connect with colleagues and receive information about professional development opportunities by signing up for the student conduct listserv. Contact Cindy Schaekel-Byholm to be added to the listserv.
Student government advisors provide assistance and support to elected student leaders at all Minnesota State colleges and universities. Student government organizations exist at all Minnesota State colleges and universities. Student leaders play a crucial role in college and university decision making in accordance with Minnesota State Board Policy 2.3: Student Involvement in Decision Making. Advisors serve as important links between student government leaders, college and university administration, state-wide student associations, and Minnesota State system office personnel.
Paul Shepherd
Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Are you a student government advisor at a Minnesota State college or university?
Connect with colleagues and receive information about professional development opportunities by signing up for the student government advisors listserv. Contact Cindy Schaekel-Byholm to be added to the listserv.
Minnesota State colleges and universities offer varied levels of student health services to students. These services range from student health centers to partnerships with local
Kate Noelke
Director for Student Mental Health and Wellness
Paul Shepherd
Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Are you a student health services professional at a Minnesota State college or university?
Connect with colleagues and receive information about professional development opportunities by signing up for the student health services listserv. Contact Cindy Schaekel-Byholm to be added to the listserv.
Involvement in experiences outside of the classroom, such as participation in student organizations, campus events, and service opportunities, has been found to increase academic performance and persistence to degree completion. Student Life professionals at Minnesota State colleges and universities create experiences designed to foster learning and the development of skills helpful in preparing for a career after graduation. Student Life experiences vary by campus; however, each Minnesota State college and university offers a Student Life program consistent with Minnesota State Board Policy 2.8: Student Life.
Paul Shepherd
Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Are you a student life staff member at a Minnesota State college or university?
Connect with colleagues and receive information about professional development opportunities by signing up for the student life listserv. Contact Cindy Schaekel-Byholm to be added to the listserv.